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From life-long struggles to sudden issues with weight loss brought on by stress, new children, diet or disease, we have had the privilege to help change the lives of these and other wonderful Met Reset program participants.
Every person’s experience is unique; this is not a one-size-fits-all, standard program. We meet each person where they are at, taking into account their unique needs, goals, experiences, and health profile. Your own health journey may differ from those experiences described below, and we hope that this may help give you some idea of what to expect!
Read on to get inspired to reset your life.
I liked to hide behind my kids… I was always strategically placing them so that you wouldn’t see all the “extra me.” This picture is at my son’s preschool graduation, the month I started on my Metabolic Reset.
I started the program (gulp) at 227.7 pounds. Before then, I avoided all scales, cameras, and mirrors with a passion. I knew (but wouldn’t openly acknowledge) that the “outside” me didn’t reflect how I felt on the inside. The outside me looked tired, bloated, and aging, while the inside me felt youthful, energetic and fun. That is why I avoided the lens of a camera or the shiny reflection of a mirror… it would just highlight what I knew I wasn’t and I didn’t want to face the reality. I was too busy dealing with the realities of being a full-time working woman and a mom. It was very easy to put my family first, second and third and myself last.
Then a doctor sat me down and told me that I needed to have surgery to remove a watermelon sized tumor from my body. And they told me that my chances for a fast recovery hinged on the fact that I lose 50 pounds. Based on history, including gestational diabetes that required daily insulin shots and my thyroid issues, losing weight was not going to be easy, nor was it something I could tackle successfully on my own. I needed to be very serious and conscientious about how I lost the weight and developed a lifestyle that could be something I could maintain for the rest of my life. And I knew that my metabolism had a significant impact on how this was going to be achieved.
Currently, I have lost 50 pounds and am half way to my goal. I thought 100 pounds was near impossible but it really isn’t. I couldn’t have done it without Metabolic Reset nor Julie’s help. I will be forever appreciative of what they have taught me. And my “outside me”, is getting in-line with the “inside me”.
I have lost 37 pounds so far and I’ve gone from a size 16 to a size 12. I’ve lost inches off my waist, bust and thighs. I’ve still got further to go, but I am excited about the progress I have made so far. I know that cleansing my body of processed foods allows me to really be in tune with how foods affect my body. I can pinpoint exactly what is making me feel a certain way because I am eating so clean right now. I have more sensitivities than I was ever aware of and it is helping me to make better choices. I am getting a clear explanation of why I have been struggling with my weight for so long. It is all starting to make sense. Through this process my relationship with food is evolving. I am more conscious of what I put into my mouth and I realize that I am not punishing myself by choosing to eat veggies instead of pizza. I am showing myself love and kindness when I make better food choices. If you give your body the nutrition it craves, it functions the way it should. Awareness of food sensitivities has given me an unexpected and welcomed sense of freedom!
I enrolled in the Met Reset Program in the spring of 2014. I was tired of being tired. I had always been active, even at my heaviest, but it was getting harder to do the things I had to do every day. I was skeptical that I could lose any weight; I thought that at my age of 50+, one’s adult weight was fixed and unchangeable. I am a tall woman with a large bone structure, and I believed that extra weight came with the package. I was able to lose 70 pounds. Met Reset was able to show me how to rebuild my diet so I wouldn’t gain any more weight. I am stronger than ever, and have much more energy. I can now walk faster and longer and I ride my bicycle at a quicker pace. I will use the knowledge I gained about diet and nutrition to guide me through the rest of my life.
I have tried many weight loss programs, including Diet Center, Weight Watchers, and Atkins, but the Met Reset Program is the first program that has really felt like a lifestyle change for me. But it didn’t take long to develop a love of eating simple, whole foods, as I have on this program. I have lost 34 pounds so far, many inches, and nearly four pant sizes. I have so much more energy and I actually like exercising. This is an easy program to follow and the support that nutritionists provide is individualized to each person. They help me figure out what works specifically for me. And clearly it is working! Thank you, Met Reset Program for changing my life!
I started Met Reset thinking I needed to try something different, as I have an auto-immune disease where I take a great deal of medication, including steroids. I have been on steroids for many years and it increases my appetite. No matter what I would do, I would gain weight and it was difficult to lose this weight. I am on the MetReset program and am very surprised at how much it has helped me. Not only have I lost weight, but I also feel so much better psychologically.
This program gives me all the right tools and support and I feel so much better all around. Yes, the program works, but I think having my nutritionist personalize everything is what has made this program work for me. She makes every effort to make you feel you are doing something right and creates a great atmosphere. If you feel something isn’t working, she makes some great suggestions to get you back on track. I don’t think I would have done as well as I have done, if it had not been for her and her wonderful support!!
The Met Reset Program has made a most profound impact on my dietary and lifestyle habits! Over the course of 4 months in the program I have learned to recognize what my body needs and doesn’t need as far as nutrition goes. I’m more aware of my eating patterns which will help me prepare for those moments in life where stress used to completely take over. I have slowly added exercise as part of my weekly habits, and now look forward to checking in with my nutritionist to see the positive changes I am making for my own well-being. It is so critical to have the support and guidelines of the program. The roller coaster of emotions associated with my weight has greatly decreased and it feels amazing. The mindset I walked in the first session with and the one I have today is completely different and I am so grateful for the positive health habits I will have for life.
When I learned about the Metabolic Reset Program, I was pretty desperate. I had never had problems losing weight, and all of a sudden nothing worked and I couldn’t lose weight anymore. I had slowly gained 15 lbs over a year and a half of working in corporate America, eating out and being too tired to keep up my workout schedule. With the program I lost all that extra weight, and the best thing is that I lost fat and gained muscles instead. I followed the instructions precisely under my nutritionist’s guidance. It takes discipline and commitment, and it works! I am very happy with the results and consider this a huge success. Thanks!
For me it’s not just about the numbers. Pounds, inches, pant size, calories and weighing food, all important numbers to track. But how do I measure feeling healthy? How do I measure feeling “in control”? I wanted to be able to play with my grand kids. Several key components lined up to get me started on a path to better health. Sugar addiction, food related inflammation and other food/health related articles had caught my attention. My knees hurt, I had some trouble sleeping and I was 50-60 lb. overweight.
I tried to use a diet plan that helped me lose weight before, restricting calories but eating any foods I wanted. I began the plan but felt defeated in days as I experienced cravings and lacked energy and my knees hurt. I spoke with a friend who was looking and feeling great after a weight loss. She gave me contact information for the MetReset program.
The numbers I’m most proud of after working with Met Reset? Two 6.5 mile mountain hikes this past month. Playing driveway basketball with my 6 year old grandson, pushing him with underdogs on the park swing. Carrying my 25 pound granddaughter up flights of stairs with her diaper bag, dancing around the family room holding her. And yes, 50 lb. gone! No more knee pain, better concentration and sleep. Learning to eat whole foods and not processed. Eliminating foods that can cause inflammation, bloating or affect my body in negative ways was the start. It’s a journey of learning and living with the support and insights I received from Met Reset nutritionists has me enjoying life.