Did you promise yourself to stop eating at 5 PM and then find yourself in front of the fridge devouring cheese, cake, and ice cream?

Are you gaining more weight after trying every diet trend out there?

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly starting over with your health every season?
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I am amazed! By learning to understand my own body and its sensitivities, I’ve successfully maintained my weight loss for 6 months and I feel like I’ve been given tools to navigate food in a new way.

Imagine waking up, putting on clothes and carrying on with your day without thinking about your weight.

Imagine going to a social event and enjoying yourself so much that you don’t worry about what your clothing fits like.

Imagine not hiding in photos, wearing a bathing suit you love to the beach and being intimate with your partner without the soul-crushing voice of your inner critic.

Imagine having all of that time and energy to live life to the fullest, now that body thoughts aren’t occupying your mind.

Imagine having so much confidence in who you are, that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you.

A Different Approach to Detoxing… for Surprisingly Long-Lasting Results
Our program is effective because we use our expertise in counseling and whole foods nutrition, as well as our years of experience and a compassionate approach to helping our clients achieve a healthy weight.